Father Dabney from Mission Church came and gave Katy and I communion as well as prayed over Tommy. We met Father Dabney on Friday. He received so many prayer requests for Tommy, he walked down to Children's to meet to meet him!
I showed Father Dabney the Rosary beads worn by Father McDonough, the healing priest who was at Mission Church for many years. The beads were lent to us by Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Father McDonough's cousin and my brother Sean's Mum-in-Law, and Simon Says' wife.
Tommy has been up and walked 5 times today, making the nurses very happy. He was in a lot of pain but got it done. Four was our goal, but when Tommy woke up from his nap after his 4th trip (he passed right out after) and yelled "I want to go for another walk!", he's getting stronger every hour post surgery.
Tomorrow is a big day when we find out the official confirmation of the pathology of the tumor. That will determine the chemotherapy strategy.
Please keep the prayers coming!
Maggie, Katy and Edzo